WEB 3.0

WEB 3.0, often dubbed the Semantic Web or the third phase of the World Wide Web, represents a shift toward a more intelligent and interconnected internet. While it is an ongoing development, key milestones include the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) around the mid-2000s, where everyday objects started to connect to the internet. In 2006, the launch of Twitter marked the rise of microblogging and real-time information sharing. Moreover, advancements in mobile technology and the proliferation of smartphones further expanded internet access, making the web more ubiquitous. The concept of the semantic web, introduced by Tim Berners-Lee in the early 2000s, aimed to make web content more machine-understandable, facilitating more efficient data retrieval and personalized user experiences. While WEB 3.0 is still evolving, it embodies the idea of a more connected and intelligent internet, where data, devices, and services seamlessly interact to enhance our digital lives.

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