During these explorations, what individuals see, hear, and envision is a healthy outcome of this profound form of creative thinking. It encourages individuals to transcend ordinary cognitive limits, exploring ideas and possibilities that might seem paradoxical or abstract. This approach to thinking does not involve a departure from reality; rather, it invites us to redefine our understanding of reality itself.
Thinking outside the hypercube requires an extraordinary degree of creativity and open-mindedness. It pushes individuals to work with abstract concepts and intricate systems, often leading to groundbreaking discoveries and innovations. This advanced level of thinking challenges us to envision the extraordinary while acknowledging that what we perceive through our senses is a legitimate and innovative result of exploring the vast expanse of creative possibilities.”
We often ask us…… (click on questions)
- How technology has evolved?
- How the Internet has changed… since 1960’s?
- Is my phone spying on me!
- Can my car really drive itself
- Did I got “hacked” ! ! ! (am I part of a data-breach?)
- “I can’t believe I can buy that”.
- I can explore the world of breathtaking photographs, tips, and tricks.“