The evolution of the internet has been a fascinating journey, spanning several decades. It all began with ARPANET in the late 1960s, which laid the groundwork for modern networking by introducing packet-switching technology. In 1991, Tim Berners-Lee’s World Wide Web marked the inception of WEB 1.0, characterized by static web pages. The early 2000s ushered in WEB 2.0, where user-generated content and interactivity became the norm, with platforms like Facebook and YouTube leading the way. By the 2010s, WEB 3.0 emerged with mobile access and the Internet of Things (IoT), changing how we interact with the web. Looking ahead, the future promises augmented reality, virtual reality, and further integration of AI, reshaping our online experiences. As the internet continues to evolve, its journey is a testament to human innovation and its ever-expanding potential.