I am a
“Computer Geek”

ZX 81
My journey into the world of computers ignited around 1980, a time when ZX-Sinclair and CBM (VIC-20 and C64) computers held the promise of digital adventures. With unwavering curiosity, I embraced the challenge of coding, embarking on a voyage through the realms of “BASIC” language and gradually diving into the depths of assembler and machine language code.
As years passed, my expertise grew, leading me to conquer the intricacies of “DOS” on an IBM XT-Clone before immersing myself in the transformative landscape of MS-Windows 3.0. Fast forward to today, I find myself traversing the ever-changing terrain of the digital universe, having navigated the early days of the WWW with a dial-up modem and honed my HTML craftsmanship with a simple text editor.

In the present era, I tackle new horizons, seamlessly integrating AutoCAD and CAM, while effortlessly maneuvering through various LINUX systems alongside Microsoft and Apple counterparts. Amidst this dynamic landscape, the unwavering pursuit of internet safety and privacy remains paramount, a testament to the constant vigilance that underscores my enduring passion for all things technological.